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The uniform should only be purchased through the school, at the first lesson. All items to be named.

Girls Ballet


Pre-School and Pre-Primary

Pink short sleeve leotard, skirt attached

Pink ballet cardigan

Pink headband if the hair is short

Pink seamless ballet tights or ballet socks if warm

Pink canvas full-sole ballet shoes with pink elastics sewn on

Skin-tone tights and shoes from Shades are available to purchase


Primary to Ballet IV

Lilac strap leotard

Lilac skirt

Lilac cardigan

Lilac headband if the hair is short

Pink seamless ballet tights

Skin-tone tights and shoes from Shades are available to purchase

Pink canvas full-sole ballet shoes with pink elastics sewn on

Pre-Elementary to Pre Senior 

Plum strap leotard

Plum skirt - order here

Black cardigan - order here

Pink seamless ballet tights

Pink canvas full or split-sole ballet shoes with pink elastics sewn on

Skin-tone tights and shoes from Shades are available to purchase



Leotard Wear-Moi Green leotard and skirt  (take a look and order directly)

Black warm-ups

Pink seamless ballet tights

Pink canvas split-sole ballet shoes with pink elastics sewn on

Skin-tone tights and shoes from Shades are available to purchase​



Must be done correctly for ballet classes

Long hair: a bun

Short: griped back off the face with school headband

Boys Ballet


Pre-School to Primary

White fitted T-shirt: your own from home.


Ballet I and upwards

White leotard



Grey ballet shorts from beginners ballet - Pre-Elementary

Grey leggings from Elementary - Senior

Thin white socks: it can be a pair from home


Ballet Shoes

White canvas full-sole ballet shoes with white elastics

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